Schacht Baby Wolf Loom


The weaving width of the Baby Wolf is 26″. Choose from 4 or 8 shafts, or the 4 Now-4 Later model that allows you to expand to 8 shafts at any time. Our Height Extender raises the loom 2″, making it the same height as our Standard Floor Loom.

Typically ships in 4 weeks of order!

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What’s Included

4 Shaft

  • 1 stainless steel reed—choose dent above
  • 400 inserted eye heddles
  • brass reed hook
  • 3 apron bars
  • 10 apron cords
  • 2 lease sticks
  • 24 tie-up cords*

*Height Extender loom and kit include height extender tie-ups.

What’s Included

8 Shaft

  • 1 stainless steel reed—choose dent above
  • 800 inserted eye heddles
  • brass reed hook
  • 3 apron bars
  • 8 apron cords
  • 2 lease sticks
  • 80 tie-up cords*
  • treadle aid and tie-ups*

*Height Extender loom and kit include height extender tie-ups.



Wolf Pup LT Wolf Pup 8.10 Baby Wolf Mighty Wolf
Weaving Widths 18″ 18″ 26″ 36″
Loom Width 26″ 28” 34″ 45″
Height @BB 29.5″ 29.5” 29.5″ 29.5″
Height w/Castle 35″ 35” 35″ 41″
Height Folded 42″ 40.5” 42″ 48″
Depth Open 33″ 35” 33″ 33″
Weight 4-Shaft 40lb NA 53lb 71lb
Weight 8-Shaft NA 69lb 71lb 94lb
Weight 4Now 4Later NA NA 59lb 80lb
Shipping Weight 54lb +17lb +17lb +26lb
Weight 4Later Kit NA NA 12lb 14lb
Shipping Weight NA NA +17lb +26lb
Heddles 4Shaft 300 NA 400 800
Heddles 8Shaft NA 600 800 1000
Heddles 4Now 4Later NA NA 800 1000

Additional information


4 Harness, 4 harness w/height, 8 harness, 8 harness w/height